Saturday, May 1, 2010

Show And Tell Time

Altered Madame X by Donna Kallner
Jill and I are cooking up several things for this blog, but we need help from members.

First, we want to add a Page with short descriptions of member and links. If you would like to be included, here's what we need:
  • a short paragraph with your "elevator" introduction that briefly presents who you are and what you do.
  • links to your web site, blog, Etsy store, or other online presence. 
  • Please email these to donnastitches[at]gmail[dot]com or jill[at]thefibercave[dot]com with "WisSDA" in the subject line. You must be a member of SDA to be included.
The Page is currently under construction, but you can see the tab on the bar under the title of this blog. We are also adding members' web sites and blogs to the link lists at the right side of the blog.

Second, we want to post more complete member profiles as blog features. Since we're volunteers, we really need your help with this. But it's as simple as sending an email to a friend you haven't seen in a while. Here are some of the things you might write about:
  • What materials and techniques do you most enjoy working with and why?
  • Where do you find inspiration for your artwork?
  • How long have you been doing surface design? 
  • How did you get started?
  • How did you learn?
  • What books have you found most helpful or inspirational?
  • How has your work changed over the years? How has it changed recently? What changes do you feel coming on?
  • Do you exhibit your work? Where? Tell us about upcoming shows.
  • Do you teach? Where? Tell us about your workshops.
  • Tell us about your studio -- what works well, what you would change...
  • Tell us about your creative process -- are you a planner or a plunger?
  • What are accomplishments are you most proud of as a fiber artist (don't be shy)?
  • What advice would you offer to people just starting out in surface design or other fiber arts?
  • What do you wish all your relatives knew about your artwork?
  • What else do you want people to know?
Please email info to donnastitches[at]gmail[dot]com or jill[at]thefibercave[dot]com with "WisSDA" in the subject line. You must be a member of SDA to be included.

And of course, we'd love to have pictures to show along with your profile! These must be in JPG format.

Thanks for your help. And don't forget to send us event information and other items to post!

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